
This big-hearted banana’s Nutrient Wave brings happiness to those that come to Core Island’s Soul Lake. This makes him key for Food World continuing to thrive! He spends almost all of his time at the Lake, regularly refreshing it with nutrients and making sure that the various fruit and vegetable visitors can swim safely. Since leaving Soul Lake to finally explore Food World, he learned just how important his job is. Now, Bananasaur is allowed to leave the island every now and then, as long as Guacky Balboa knows about it first!
Health Benefits
Bananasaur is a Veggie-Dino and proud! He’s proud of his banana-based ability to keep your tummy and heart healthy and happy, and keeping those cholesterol levels under control. Plus, Bananasaur is great for giving you energy because he has vitamin B6, which helps your blood carry oxygen. So, he like a heart-helper and energy giver, and that makes him super cool!
90 -
1.1g -
12.4g -
2.6g -
0.1g -
0.3mg -
Vitamin B6
Superpower Stats
Nutrient Wave
Magnesium Fist
Potassium Power