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Veginom Glossary 

Antioxidants = Vitamin “superheroes” that fight chemical “bad guys” that try to make you sick

Arteries = Big tubes in your body that carry blood away from the heart, like a main road for blood!

Bacteria = Bad bacteria can make you sick, BUT, good bacteria lives in your intestines, breaking down food for your body

Beta-Carotene = Makes fruits and veggies orange (like Carrot Man!) and breaks down vitamin A

Bile = Ew! It’s a sticky green-yellow liquid that breaks down fat!

Blood Pressure = Shows how hard the heart is working

Blood Vessels = Carries blood around our body, handing out oxygen and nutrients, like the rivers in Food World!

Calcium = A mineral/electrolyte. Makes your teeth and bones as strong as Fibre Fury.

Capsaicin = The substance that gives chilli peppers their spice! It can be used as a painkiller if put on your skin, but keep away from sensitive areas!

Carbohydrates = Gives you the energy to run around and play.

Copper = Produces energy, transports oxygen, prevents damage, creates red blood cells.

Calories = Gives you energy and is in everything you eat! Too much makes you fat, too little makes you tired

Chloride = A mineral/electrolyte. Helps us digest yummy food, move our muscles, and fight off germs!

Cholesterol = Helps the brain, skin, and other organs do their job. Too much is bad for blood vessels

Choline = Supports many parts of the body, like memory, energy levels, and the heart.

Complex carbohydrate/carb = Great for storing and using energy.

Digest = Food is broken down in your tummy, and is then used or thrown away (by pooping!).

Disease = Coughs and sneezes cause diseases! Makes you sick.

Electrolytes = Carries electricity through your body, keeping it as balanced as Spinachos.

Energy = What you need to do everything you do: walk, think, play, and more!

Fat = It’s stored away or used to fuel your body. Too much makes you fatter…

Fibre = A complex carb. Fibre Fury’s best power! Prevents illnesses and maintains a healthy weight.

Folate = A vitamin. Keeps you healthy, especially red blood cells.

High blood pressure = Makes blood move faster through the body, so your heart must work harder.

Iron = A mineral. It’s all about transporting and providing oxygen! Fibre Fury and Brock Lee have lots.

Magnesium = A mineral/electrolyte. Good for sleep time and bones. Guacky Balboa uses it for strength!

Microbes = Teeny tiny creepy crawlies found inside and outside the body. Some make you sick, some keep your tummy healthy.

Minerals = Needed for the body to develop and work properly.

Natural Sugars = Found in many fruits and veggies. Gives you energy.

Nutrients = Needed for you to grow up big and strong, and for the body to work properly.

Nutritional = Like the Veginom heroes, we need nutritional food to be healthy and to grow.

Nutritious = Describes healthy food that helps us grow and keeps us healthy.

Oxygen = Take a deep breath now… You just breathed in oxygen! You need it to live.

Potassium = A mineral/electrolyte. For muscles and balance! Toe Toe Moto loves Potassium pie!

Preservatives = Keeps food from going bad and can improve how food tastes, feels on your tongue, and looks

Protein = Fibre Fury, Eye Cry, and Sweetato have lots of this! Makes muscles and organs healthier

Riboflavin = A nutrient. Sometimes called Vitamin B2. Good for general health and wellness

Salt = Makes food yummier, and last longer, but too much is bad for your heart.

Saturated Fat = All fat fuels your body, but too much of this one isn’t good for your heart!

Simple carbohydrate/carb = E is for Energy! These are unhealthy in large amounts.

Sodium = A mineral/electrolyte. It’s a salt, too much is unhealthy! It also helps water levels in your body, and muscles!

Sugar = A simple carb. Added to food to make it taste better, BUT!! Too much is bad for your teeth and can make you fat.

Thiamine = A vitamin. Prefers to be called Vitamin B1. Turns the food you eat into energy!

Toxic = Bad for your body! Can make you very poorly.

Vitamins = Nutrients that help your body do everything it needs to and fights off diseases. POW!

Vitamin A = Want eyesight like Carrot Man? This Vitamin also helps defend against diseases.

Vitamin B = Think energy! And Sweety has a lot of it! Also used to make red blood cells.

Vitamin B5 = Makes blood cells, and makes food you eat into energy.

Vitamin B6 = Improves mood (turn that frown upside down!), keeps you and your heart healthy

Vitamin C = The best for healing. Apple O’ Creed and Strawberry-corn use it to look after others!

Vitamin D = Bones and teeth need this Vitamin to be strong!

Vitamin E = The protecting Vitamin, which can keep red blood cells safe. Spinachos has some!

Vitamin K = Remember when you got a cut? This Vitamin forms scabs.

Vitamin K1 = This helps your cuts scab over. Katy Peary helps heal with this Vitamin.

Waste = Yes, this means poop! Any food not digested is broken down by bacteria, and then leaves your body during toilet time