Captain Bitter-Sweet

On the surface, Captain Bitter-Sweet of the Liver River boat looks grumpy and, well, bitter most of the time! But deep down, this kind grapefruit cares much for Food World and the fruit and veggie’s living in it. She has been a captain for many years, and has mostly worked alone, until the cheeky Bunch Brothers came onboard and started helping her out. Will she learn how to turn that frown upside down and embrace the sweet side of her pip, or will she remain bitter?
Health Benefits
This grapefruit Captain can protect others from harmful bacteria and diseases with her vitamin C and antioxidants! They can also protect against nasties that can make us sick! Grapefruit Captain has one more superpower: he is low in calories and high in fiber. This means he can help you feel full and satisfied without eating too many calories. It’s like having a tasty snack that won’t make you feel too stuffed. Plus, all that fiber is like a broom for your tummy, helping it stay clean and happy.
32 -
0.6g -
7g -
1.1g -
0.1g -
Vitamin A
71mcg -
Superpower Stats
Citris Clap!
Potassium Punch
Copper Captain