
Carrot Man’s Veggie-Dino-friend, Carasaur, has been close to Carrot Man for what seems like forever! When Carasaur emerged from the ground with his fellow Veggie-Dino’s he felt quite lonely as he was the only orange vegetable, until he came across Carrot Man. They became fast friends, and since that day Carasaur has never left Carrot Man’s side! This unfortunately means that he’s quite shy with anyone who isn’t his closest friend, unused to the other fruits and vegetables of Food World. They all think he’s pretty adorable, though! Maybe one day, this cute little carrot will come out of his shell – or, in his case, his patch.
Health Benefits
Carasaur might be a big stomping Veggie-Dino, but his vitamin A helps our eyes and skin to be healthy. Carrots are full of vitamin K too, which helps forms scabs over our cuts. But that’s not all! Carrots are full of vitamin K, which is like a superhero for your boo-boos. It helps form scabs over your cuts, just like a natural band-aid. So, Carasaur isn’t just big and strong; he’s also a friend to your eyes, skin, and little scrapes and cuts!
41 -
0.9g -
5g -
2.8g -
0.3g -
320mg -
Vitamin A
Superpower Stats
Vitamin A-ssist
Beta-Carotene Blast
Fibre Field