
Don’t underestimate Caulipower due to his adorable appearance! He is much more cauli-powerful than he appears! As one of the guardians of Core Island, he spends much of his time relaxing by Soul Lake, or battling Junk Food with Doctor Apple (otherwise known as Apple O’ Creed when he’s not in disguise!). When danger arrives, he’s always ready to help save the day! Although his efforts may not be as widely known as those of Food World’s most beloved superheroes, Caulipower has been a key part in the fight against Junk Food time and time again, whether through the power of his Fibre Force or through his surprising sneaking skills, gained through his ability to camouflage himself with his leaves.
Health Benefits
Although Caulipower likes to hide, his vitamin C doesn’t like to hide at all as it heals others! A cauliflowers’ folates keeps our red blood cells healthy, and its fibre is great for digestion. Caulipower also has a special nutrient called choline. Choline is like a superhero for your brain and nerves, helping them communicate better and stay sharp. It’s like giving your brain a power boost! So, Caulipower isn’t just a veggie that likes to hide; he’s also a brain-boosting genius, making him a top pick for a healthy meal!
25 -
1.9g -
1.9g -
2g -
0.3g -
299mg -
Vitamin C
Superpower Stats
Folate Flip
Fibre Force
Choline Chow Down!