Charles Chickens

Fancying himself as a talented writer, this nugget struggles to find any success. Fruit and veggies always seem to prefer the sweet, feel-good stories of healthier writers more than his salty, serious ones. In an attempt to find an outlet, Charles Chickens writes flyers full of lies and false information and sticks them all around Food World. Watching his devious schemes come to life from the side lines, Chickens enjoys tricking and deceiving others with his words and using his sodium to further the Junk Food’s ultimate goal of taking every healthy resource from Food World.
Health Benefits
Chicken nuggets may taste good but they can’t be trusted! They are processed and full of added sugars. Their sodium is also way too high. They are far from fresh and bad for your heart! Charles Chickens are often made from ground-up meat, and it’s hard to tell exactly what’s in them. So, you might not know what you’re really eating. It’s like a mystery meat party!
214 -
11.22g -
0.63g -
0.6g -
13.55g -
Vitamin C
0.4mg -
Superpower Stats
Pride n' Potassium
Sodium Sludge
Sodium Shock