Lacey Beaker
As the youngest member of the Junk Food, Lacey is less a genuine threat than she is a simple mischief-maker, but that doesn’t make her any less of a problematic presence within Food World. Often found attempting infiltrations of Mrs Cob’s class or Asparagustus‘ office, there’s little that Lacey loves more than pranking those goody-two-shoes fruits and vegetables! But what Lacey considers funny ranges from disruptive to outright destructive, making it increasingly uncertain whether – despite her age – she can ever be redeemed. Can Lacey be pulled back from her unhealthy behaviours before it is too late?
Health Benefits
For someone so small, Lacey can cause much trouble! Sugary laces have sugar in it, which is unhealthy in high amounts and can even hurt your teeth, causing cavities! Lacey can also cause energy spikes and crashes. When you have a lot of sugary treats, you might feel super energetic for a little while, but then you’ll crash and feel tired.
52 -
0.45g -
7g -
0g -
0.48g -
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