As the boss of Food World’s news station, Necta has a lot to organise. From The Potato Mutant’s constant battles with Fibre Fury, to Frank Furter’s newest ridiculous yet fabulous plot to convince others to join the salt side, Necta has to make sure her fellow news reporters are telling the truth about Junk Food, and to remind their audience that a healthy way of living is far better for you than anything the Junk Food can offer. Although she’s a small time player in Food World, Necta actually once had a battle against one of Junk Food’s biggest baddies – Mak Junk! But it seems no-one has ever reported what happened in that fight… yet.
Health Benefits
There’s one thing Necta loves more than the news – nectarines have a large amount of vitamin C and copper! Vitamin C is an antioxidant, so nectarines help fight off ‘bad guy’ chemicals! Necta is like a sweet and juicy jewel from nature. She’s not just good for you; she’s also fun to eat! You can hold her in your hand and take delicious bites, just like a snack adventure.
62 -
1.5g -
11.2g -
2.4 -
0.5g -
Vitamin C
30.7mg -