Obi Jean

Obi Jean may not be as athletic as his peers, but that doesn’t make him any less useful in the fight against the evil forces of the Junk Food. A current student of Mrs Cob’s, this intelligent young eggplant spends most of his time studying, trying to find out everything he can about Food World, its history and how to make it a better place. While this means that he sometimes struggles to form bonds with his classmates – most of whom are more into sports than studying – Obi Jean is still a kind soul with much to give! This means that maybe, with a little bit of help and a lot of hard work, Obi Jean could grow up into one of the Island’s mightiest heroes! But only time will tell if this will come to pass…
Health Benefits
Obi Jean spends his time studying what can help Food World the most. This means that he knows well that eggplants like him have the 3 B’s of vitamins! Vitamins B1, B6, and B9!
25 -
1g -
3.5g -
3g -
0.2g -
0.2mg -
Folate (B9)
Superpower Stats
Vitamin A-rmour
Vitamin Hit