Vicky Slice
This ‘lil slice may be small, but don’t be fooled! She’s a bigger threat to Food World than anyone could’ve realised. Underestimated by fruit, vegetables and Junk Food alike, Vicky is driven to prove them all wrong, showing that despite her size, she can fight with the best of them. Her motivation makes her a real force to be reckoned with, as she’ll cross lines that others won’t to prove herself an asset to the Junk Food. While she may prove difficult to deal with, her ego has time and time again led to her downfall as she thinks herself so great that nothing could stop her!
Health Benefits
Vicky Slice thinks she and her fat and sugar levels are powerful! One slice of this cake means you would have to spend about 45 minutes of cycling to burn off the calories and fat the slice has.
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5g -
12.6g -
0.8g -
19.8g -
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