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The Start-Up Making Dinnertime More Fun for Your Kids

If you’ve been looking for a way to bring a smile to your kids face at dinnertime, then Veginom is for you! This innovative start-up aims to: 

  • Encourage kids to eat more fruit and veg 
  • Help kids develop a healthy mind and body by getting them thinking about and eating fruit and veg 
  • Bring fun, laughter, and education about healthy eating to kids 

Above all, Veginom wants kids to pick up a book, lose themselves in a fantastical and educational world, and leave feeling enthused about healthy eating. 

Veginom at the Dinner Table

So, how can Veginom help dinnertime be more fun for your kid? Through the fun and action-packed books written in a bouncy rhyming style! If your kid is giggling at one heroic veggie character’s words, then they might want to eat more of that veggie!  

For example, one Veginom character sure to get your kid smiling is the fun-loving tomato, Toe Toe Moto! His love for potassium pie and heroic way of dealing with the junk food baddies may just be the encouragement your kid needs to eat more tomatoes.

5 Ways to Make Dinnertime Fun with Veginom

  1. Bring everyone together. 

If you can, get every member of the family together at the table. This can encourage dinner table conversation. Asking your kid about their day can develop their communication skills AND bring them closer to you. 

You could also use Veginom as a conversation starter. Perhaps you’ve just read A Boat Load of Trouble with your kid, and you’re having grapes as part of your dessert. Get your kid talking about the book and share with them a reason why grapes are good for them. 

  1. Have a theme. 

For example, your theme could be eating foods that a Veginom character likes, eating finger food, or simply having foods that all have something to do with the colour blue. Having a theme can bring laughter and education to the table! 

  1. Make food interactive. 

Instead of loading up your kids’ plate, have a variety of foods in front of them that they can choose. You can also use this opportunity to put fruit and veg that appear in the Veginom series in front of your kid. This way they can touch, taste, see, and smell different foods that represent some of their favourite characters! 

  1. Make it simple.  

Having too many courses doesn’t exactly appeal to young kids. Keep it simple to keep it fun. You could even make simple foods or shape them to look like a Veginom character! 

  1. Have a progressive meal. 

Start with a small appetizer on the front porch, move to the main dish at the family dining table, followed by a healthy dessert on a picnic blanket outside. 

Many of the Veginom stories takes place outside. Getting your kid moving and enjoying the outdoors like the heroes of Veginom whilst eating some fruit and veg can encourage them to eat healthy. 


So, parents, educators, and pun-fans alike looking for a way to encourage healthy eating at dinnertime, keep your eyes peeled for Veginom’s release. You can do this by keeping any eye on the site. Because this series is guaranteed to be bunches of fun!   

We at Veginom want to help you and your children’s health in any way we can! Promoting a healthy lifestyle is our goal for the future of today’s children. If you need any further assistance, then feel free to contact us here.