Jack O’ Lantern

This powerful pumpkin’s love of pranks has put him high on the Junk Food’s radar, as through mischief alone he has foiled their evil plots time and time again. Yet Jack is uninterested in joining the ranks of Food World’s greatest heroes. He has much more fun going about life at his own pace, hoping to make others laugh along the way! Still, Jack’s pranking ways have made him a controversial figure in Food World, as some worry that one day, he might go too far. Between this and his mysterious past, nobody quite knows what to think of Jack… and that’s just fine with him!
Health Benefits
Jack might be a prankster, but the good things a pumpkin can do are no joke! From its antioxidants to its potassium, which maintains normal blood pressure, is there nothing a pumpkin can’t do? Jack is an excellent source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is like a superhero for your eyes and skin. It helps keep your vision sharp and your skin healthy.
26 -
1g -
2.8g -
0.5g -
0.1g -
Vitamin A
7384IU -
Superpower Stats
Choline Change
Magnesium Mischief