Shumo Sham

Shumo Sham may be a strong little mushroom, but he is too often the last to acknowledge it. A big fan of Food World’s bravest heroes – from Spinachos to Fibre Fury and beyond – he tends to compare himself to them, feeling that he falls short. But he need to remember, not only is he dedicated to FruitJitsu, his creativity has even led him to invent some new moves! His friends have named this new martial art after him, calling it ‘Shumo.’ Although he doesn’t realise it, all the other fruits and veggies of the world know that with a bit more confidence, Shumo Sham will one day be as great as the legends of Food World!
Health Benefits
The hearty little Shumo Sham uses his vitamin B2 to fight back against Junk Food! A mushroom has copper, which produces energy, transports oxygen, and creates red blood cells.
31 -
3.1g -
0.6g -
2.8g -
0.6g -
0.6mg -
Vitamin D
Superpower Stats
Shroom Boom
Vitamin Volley
Vitamin D-struction