Slim Burt Sun
Slim Burt Sun has one motto that he loves to remind anyone who works with him: ‘one fruit’s imagination can become another fruit’s reality’. He believes that the creativeness behind making a movie, or any visual piece, is based off of the imagination, and it can help others lose themselves in a different world for but a moment. However, throughout his life, Slim has had some criticism about how different his movies have been. But this melon will stand by his beliefs, and continue sharing his imagination with all!
Health Benefits
This plucky film director is friends with Melena! A sun melon not only has a sunny yellow colour, but are high in vitamin C, and have a healthy and balanced amount of potassium and magnesium too!
34 -
0.8g -
7.9g -
0.9g -
0.2g -
Vitamin A
3382IU -