Toe Toe Ketcho

The name Toe Toe Ketcho was thought to be lost when Toe Toe Moto was saved after Junk Food tricked him into becoming ketchup. Toe Toe Moto has never been the same again, for not only does he get mistaken to be a vegetable, despite being a fruit, but he gets mistaken for being ketchup. But, since then, another tomato was convinced to join the salt side by The Deep Fryer, and Toe Toe Ketcho was reborn! Toe Toe Moto, knowing full well that ketchup is full of added sugar from once being ketchup himself, wants to help the sugary Toe Toe Ketcho, but it seems the pair were destined to be arch enemies!
Health Benefits
Toe Toe Ketcho wishes he was everywhere, so his sugar and salt can encourage others to join the salt side! But ketchup, commonly used to dip your chips in, have empty calories.
97 -
1.74g -
22.77g -
0.3g -
0.38g -
Vitamin C
15.1g -
Superpower Stats
Sauce Power
Splat Attack!
Sodium Shock